Monday, March 2, 2009

Well I knew my Ohio readears would be amused and interested to hear about the snow and see pictures of it, so here you go. We got real, live, actual snow!!!! Ok, not live, but you get it. Now soooo many times the weather guys say "Snow, snow snooooooow!!!!" and nothing ever happens. Well this time, despite my skepticism, they were right. We got dumped on by mother nature. I am ready for summer, sooooo badly. But I must admit, this is beautiful, now it can go away. It began yesterday evening at around 6 o'clock. It had been raining for two days solid and it just turned into snow. When I went to bed at around 12 last night, it was still snowing HARD. I felt like Ralphie on Christmas day when I woke up. Looking out the window saying "woooooow......oh woooooow." I havent gotten Carolina out in it yet, but I will. Here are the pictures.


Unknown said...

Steve ~ make sure you get Carolina with the first snowball. Do you remember mom and dad doing that? It inevitably got thrown inside the house and was so funny. I think I remember someone getting the snowball thrown at them in bed one year. Glad to see you really got hit this time! Enjoy it...we both know it'll all be gone in a couple days! Do you have to go to work?? I hope not...Love you!!

Anonymous said...

These are great pix! Is it gone yet?