Monday, March 16, 2009


Well, I do not post nearly as often as I used to, so I thought today I would catch you all up on the happenings in my life.

Lets see, first there is the fire dept. I guess..... I took the test on the 7th and I believe I did well. Only time will tell. The test was definately somthing you could not study for as all of the test was geared toward how intellegent you are. Things such as how well you follow oral directions, reading comprehension, basic math, knowledge of simple machines (pulleys, levers, etc.....) They are to notify me the results of the test on no particular date, just whenever they want I suppose. If I did well on the written test, they will notify my of the date of my physical test. I spoke with a fireman and he mentioned that it is usually in June, and you actually get an oppurtunity to do a test run or practice run of the physical exam. So I will know more about what I need to work on come that time. That leads me to my next thing to update you on.

As some of you know, I have been exercising again and dieting. I began it all on Feb. 9th and have been at it hard ever since. So it has been almost a month and a week, today. I have been making sure I eat no/low fat things, keeping my calorie count below or at 1500 to 2000 per day. No snacking, no eating after dinner, tons of water and also have been taking a dietary supplement. At first I tried Hydroxycut, hey, the pictures cant lie right??? ha ha. But I have switched, upon the advice of Brad Lane, to Ripped Fuel. I REALLY think it is helping because mainly, it keeps my appetite down. THAT IS A BIG HELP. But what I really think is doing the trick this time is that I have been running. 2-3 miles a day, whatever I can accomplish in 30 minutes. Lately its been more on the 3 mile side. Everyone remembers how I lost weight back in 2005 I think. Well, this time is very similar to last time, except a little better. Since Feb 9th I have lost 15 pounds!!!! Wish me luck in keeping the trend going!!! I had originaly planned this to be down to 200 by the wedding in October, but at this pace I will be down to 200 by June.

Carolina is in her final stages of R.N. school. She is shadowing a nurse for 3 12 hour shifts per week. She also goes to class on Thursdays. On top of that, she is picking up hours and days here and there at work. SHE IS SUPERWOMAN!!!!! So she will be done with the shadowing, at this pace, in early April, then she graduates in early May. Pray for her!!!

Wedding plans are moving along. Looks like right now, the wedding is on Friday October 2nd, on the beach in Isle of Palms, which is just north of Charleston. No set place or anything just yet, still ironing that out. The Wedding will be intimate and private and will for the most part be family only (just a couple friends.) The reception, which will be open to everyone will be the following day in Charlotte at the Highland Creek Sports Club around 7:30 or so. Carolina constantly reminds me we are doing it this way because so many people that she and I want there will not be able to come to the wedding. We really wanted to get married at the beach in Charleston. So we decided that we would have the wedding there, then a reception here so people would be able to attend the reception at least. It will be a very casual reception. Finger foods and drinks pretty much. Just a laid back atmosphere, more of a party. On Sunday, the 4th we are flying to Tampa early that morning to get on our cruise ship, the Carnival Legend, for our Honeymoon. It will leave Tampa on Sunday, spend a day at sea on Monday, then stop at (in this order consecutively) Grand Cayman - Cozumel, Mexico - Belize City, Belize - Roatan, Honduras, then spend a day at sea on the way back and arrive back at Tampa on the 11th. REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO THAT. I will be taking TONS of pictures. Carolina REALLY wanted to do this cruise because A: it stops in Roatan which is in Honduras and she can feel like shes kinda home and B: it stops in 3 spanish speaking places.

Well thats about all I have for now. Looking forward to my vacation which is in about 3 weeks. I start vacation on the 4th at 6pm and will be off while Cheryl, Jon and the kids are here. I go back to work on the 14th. CANT WAIT.


LaFever's said...

15 lbs?! Go Steve!! Your wedding will be soooo beautiful!! I am so excited for you and Carolina!!! And a cruise...WOO HOO!! Good to hear from you again!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the loss, Steve! When I see you we can feel each other's biceps, lol. That's like, my new schtick.

Regarding the reception - there'll be beer, right?