Sunday, November 30, 2008

Let's post a little blog to satisfy the sister, shall we? You know I love you.

So I feel like crap today. Just a little cold trying to beat me into submission. While it is giving it's all and I am feeling every punch, I must maintain. I want to but DON'T want to call in sick tomorrow. If I don't call in, I will get paid for unused sick days for the year in a couple of weeks. I hear Carolina saying "They aren't going to take care of you, you need to call in." She loves me, in that "you're a stubborn dumbass" kind of way. Other than that, work, for now. The attitude and energy of the situation hasn't changed. As I told some of you, one of my coworkers quit this weekend. She said she had enough and couldnt do it anymore. She said she prayed and prayed about it and felt led to just jump out on faith. I can't fault her for that.....just cant follow her lead either. Bills don't stop coming, ya know? So I am just hanging in there until I hear somthing from somwhere or until God hits me with a brick and lets me know where to go.

I have half of my Christmas shopping done so far. This is a record for me. I usually wait till about a week before to get the bulk of my shopping going. Then on Christmas Eve I usually make a dash for last minute items. Not this year my friend.....not again.

Well I am off to down a shot of theraflu and hop in bed...pray for me!!


Anonymous said...

Steve, we always pray for you. Look and listen for the Lords leading on a new job. He has and always take care of you. Isn't it a great feeling to be half finished with your shopping? Just don't wait until the last minute to finish it up. Take care and we love you.

Unknown said...

That anonymous was from Jon in case you wondered. The pic of the gifts under the tree is gorgeous!! Great shot! You really do need to get an SLR if you're getting a new camera. Have you tried the Daytime warming TheraFlu? It's pretty effective stuff! We love you and of course we are praying for you!