Tuesday, December 2, 2008


So yesterday was an interesting day. First of all I called in sick to work....but thats another story. Carolina had a long day of studying ahead of her, so I had the bright idea of going to Cracker Barrell and getting a good breakfast. You know, a little brain food. Nothing like eggs, bacon, toast and pancakes to start your day right. So we drove to Hickory, ate, started to head home and then it happened. What we had all been predicting would happen eventualy happened. Carolina's car went kaput. We were going up the ramp to get on 321 (for those of you familiar with the area) when her car just would go no more. I eased it onto the side of the road, listened to Carolina freaking out, and just sat there wondering what the problem was and what to do next. The car had a full tank of gas, so that wasn't the problem. Transmission had been acting funny when going into 2nd gear lately, like it was jumping a little or reving to high and long before shifting. Maybe that is it. So, thinking Dad was close by and not busy, I called him. He advised me to call the auto shop across the street from my house and have them dispatch a tow truck and have them take it in. Meanwhile he would head our way and pick us up. Turns out he was on 16 not to near us, and somewhat busy to boot, so THANKS DAD. He did make impressive time though!! He took us to the house, dropped us off and headed back to work. So thinking more and more about her car, we wondered, should we just buy a new one, or get this fixed? If it was to cost 1000 or more to fix, no way, not worth it, just buy a new car. When he called us to tell us it was the timing belt, and with tow cost would be around 600, we decided to get it fixed. 600 and it may last at LEAST until Carolina graduates and gets a new job. That is the point when we wanted to get her a new car anyway, so pray that this is the only problem we face with her car until after May. Thats the update!!


Unknown said...

Wow guys that really STINKS!! Go DAD!! You rock! Good luck with the exam and your car repairs. Will she need the water pump replaced too? Watch out, we know from experience timing belt replacement adds up to $YOUCH$. We love you!!

LaFever's said...

I am with Cheryl...that stinks! Hope you are feeling better!!