Saturday, October 25, 2008


So being a Buckeye sometimes means feeling the sting of defeat too.......I still love 'em. But that too is being a Buckeye. A loss means a lot more to us than most schools. We will still play a New Years bowl, we will still be in a bowl period. We will still act like the Michigan game is the ONLY game that matters. We will still throw a party, even if its the Alamo Bowl.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Heartbreak...just part of being one of the most obnoxious college football fans in America. Last night, during the football game Sam came up to me and asked what was wrong. I pointed to the score and he said "Mom, we only have one car and we don't have any have bigger things to worry about than a football game." Like a true, FALLEN and saved, Buckeye fan, I responded "Sweetie, I've given the money and the car to God. The only thing I'm worried about IS the game!" Kinda sad commentary, huh? I guess maybe I need to give my Buckeye's to God too!!