Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So lets give this a try. I find myself always checking to see if Cheryl has updated her Blog. This got me thinking to myself , "Self.....maybe you should blog." Cheryl told me she really enjoyed the couple of venting sessions I put in written form on my Myspace page, so I might just be readable. I don't know that I will always be deep, meaningful, or coherent but I will give you words to read!

I guess I will follow the template given by my sister, and just speak about life these days. Lets begin with the big one story that everyone wants to talk about. I got engaged two weeks ago today. While she tried her hardest to make it difficult to ask, I managed to find a way, and she said yes!! We have not set a date yet, but we will do that once she is done with R.N. school. I consider myself highly favored in this blessing of a woman to share my life with. She is everything I could ask for and everything I didn't know to ask for. She is my bestfriend, my confidant, my accountability partner, and my lover. She has taught me so much about who I am, what I want, and what I need. She has opened my eyes to what the world has to offer and even what it doesnt. She has made me realize what is possible and what is already achieved. I love her more today than yesterday, and will love her more tomorrow.

Other than that little piece, work has sucked. This economic crisis is hitting us pretty hard. Every rental car company is laying people off, and Avis has decided that, to avoid paying unemployment, they will put the heat on in various ways and fire people after multiple write-ups to establish just cause. I recieved a write-up (the first I have had in ANY job) for "not over coming the objection" when a customer said he didn't want any insurance for the car. I was supposed to counter-offer, but I took a no as a no and that is a no no. So I have decided to be the marionette and do the dance. I am not going to give them any reason to let me go. Especially when the heat is on others worse than myself.

The septic tank has been backing up and this is creating a stinky problem in the yard. I thought initially that stopping use of anti-bacterial soap may thwart the issue, but no. Now I must call someone and get them to come out and fix this nasty nuisance.

Carolina is still studying hard and having issues in school, but nothing we dont feel she cant overcome. I will keep you posted!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, yippee, woohoo! I'm so glad you've joined!!!! I agree if there was ever a time to brown nose if necessary to keep your job this would be it, just don't compromise yourself (I'm sure you would never). We will pray for you Steve that you find your happy place in the job department. I love you!!